The Best Restaurant Management Style To Skyrocket Profits

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First Published: 24 May 2023

The Four Restaurant Management Styles


What are the best restaurant management styles? We all know how crucial effective management is in the competitive restaurant industry. So, get ready to dive into the exciting world of different management styles and uncover the perfect fit for your business.


Whether you’re a seasoned restaurateur with years of experience or a passionate newbie taking your first steps, choosing the right management approach can make or break your success in this dynamic industry. We’re here to guide you through the process and help you find the management style that aligns perfectly with your unique vision and goals.



Throughout this article, we’ll explore a variety of management styles, shedding light on their strengths, weaknesses, and real-world applications.


We want to empower you with the knowledge and insights necessary to make informed decisions that will drive your restaurant to new heights.


Whether you’re seeking structure and efficiency, fostering collaboration and empowerment, or aiming to strike a balance between support and authority, we’ve got you covered. Our goal is to equip you with the tools to create a thriving work environment that brings out the best in your team and delivers exceptional experiences to your valued customers.


So, buckle up and get ready to discover the perfect management style that will set your restaurant on a path to success. Let’s dive into the fascinating world of restaurant management styles and unleash the full potential of your business.


Restaurant Management Style



Understanding Different Restaurant Management Styles


1. Autocratic Management


Autocratic management is characterised by a top-down approach, where decision-making is centralised in the hands of a single person or a small group of individuals.


In this style, the manager holds all the power and authority, making decisions without much input from the staff. While this style can be efficient in certain situations, it may lead to decreased employee morale and limited creativity.

Studies have shown that autocratic management can result in a lack of employee engagement and job satisfaction.


For example, a study conducted by Harvard Business School found that companies with autocratic management styles had higher turnover rates and lower employee productivity compared to those with more collaborative approaches.


Implementing autocratic management may be appropriate in high-pressure situations where quick decisions are required, such as during a crisis or in specific operational tasks.


2. Democratic Management


Democratic management emphasises collaboration and employee participation in decision-making processes.


Managers encourage open communication, value the opinions of their team members, and involve them in setting goals and making decisions. This management style fosters a positive work environment, promotes teamwork, and boosts employee satisfaction.


Research supports the benefits of democratic management in the restaurant industry. A study published in found that restaurants with a democratic management style experienced higher levels of employee motivation, job satisfaction, and customer service quality.


By involving employees in decision-making, managers tap into their valuable insights and ideas, leading to enhanced problem-solving and innovation within the business.


Autocratic Management


3. Laissez-Faire Management


Laissez-faire management gives employees a high degree of autonomy and independence. Managers adopting this style provide minimal guidance and allow employees to take charge of their tasks and responsibilities.

While it can empower employees and encourage innovation, it requires a highly motivated and self-disciplined team to be successful.


Several studies have explored the impact of laissez-faire management in the restaurant industry. For instance, research conducted by the Cornell University School of Hotel Administration revealed that restaurants with a laissez-faire management style experienced higher levels of employee turnover compared to those with more structured approaches.


This suggests that while autonomy is valuable, some employees may require more guidance and support to perform optimally.


4. Paternalistic Management: Balancing Support and Authority


Paternalistic management combines elements of autocratic and democratic approaches by emphasising both authority and support for employees. In this style, managers take on a nurturing role, acting as parental figures to their team members.


The Characteristics of Paternalistic Management


Paternalistic management is characterised by a strong emphasis on employee welfare, support, and guidance.


Managers adopting this style prioritise the well-being of their employees and actively involve themselves in their personal and professional lives. They provide a structured environment, establish clear rules and guidelines, and make decisions based on what they perceive as best for their employees.


The Benefits and Challenges of Paternalistic Management


Several studies have explored the impact of paternalistic management in different industries, including the restaurant sector. Studies have found that employees working under a paternalistic management style reported higher levels of job satisfaction and organisational commitment. This can be attributed to the sense of security and support fostered by the paternalistic approach.


However, it’s important to note that paternalistic management can also present challenges. One potential challenge is the need for over-reliance on the manager’s decision-making, which can hinder employee autonomy and creativity.


Additionally, the success of paternalistic management depends heavily on the manager’s ability to strike the right balance between support and authority, as excessive control can lead to feelings of disempowerment among employees.


Assessing Your Restaurant's Management Style


The Role of Trust and Communication


Trust and effective communication are integral to the success of paternalistic management. Managers must build trust with their employees through consistent support, fair treatment, and genuine concern for their well-being. By establishing a trusting relationship, employees are more likely to be receptive to the guidance and decisions made by their managers.


Moreover, communication plays a crucial role in paternalistic management. Open and transparent communication channels allow employees to express their opinions, voice concerns, and contribute to decision-making processes.


Regular feedback sessions and one-on-one meetings can provide opportunities for managers to understand their employees’ needs and address any issues that may arise.


Finding the Balance


Implementing paternalistic management requires finding the right balance between authority and support. Managers must exercise authority when necessary, while still respecting the autonomy and individuality of their employees. This involves providing clear guidelines and expectations, offering guidance and mentorship, and fostering an environment where employees feel valued and supported.


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Assessing Your Restaurant’s Management Style


To determine which management style suits your restaurant, it’s crucial to evaluate various factors, consider the following aspects:


Organisational Culture


Analyse your restaurant’s culture and values. Identify the level of hierarchy and decision-making processes already in place. Understanding your existing culture will help you determine the management style that aligns best with your team and business objectives.


Employee Skill Set


Assess your employees’ strengths, weaknesses, and areas of expertise. Some management styles may require more guidance and support, while others thrive with increased autonomy. Consider the skill set of your team members and how well they can adapt to different management approaches.


Business Goals


Examine your short-term and long-term goals. Are you aiming to expand your business, increase profitability, or enhance customer satisfaction? Each management style can impact these goals differently, so it’s essential to choose one that aligns with your specific objectives.


Implementing the Ideal Restaurant Management Style


Implementing the Ideal Restaurant Management Style


Now that you have a clear understanding of different management styles and have assessed your restaurant’s needs, it’s time to implement the ideal management approach.


Here are some steps to consider:


  • Clearly Define Roles and Responsibilities


Establishing clear job descriptions, responsibilities, and expectations for each team member is vital for effective management. When employees understand their roles, they can contribute more efficiently to the overall success of the restaurant. Clearly defined roles also minimise confusion and conflicts, promoting a harmonious work environment.


  • Effective Communication


Promote open and transparent communication channels within your restaurant. Encourage your team to provide feedback, share ideas, and voice any concerns they may have. Regular team meetings and performance reviews can facilitate effective communication. Furthermore, consider implementing communication tools or platforms that allow seamless collaboration and information sharing among team members.


  • Training and Development


Investing in training programs and professional development opportunities for your staff is crucial. Continuous learning improves their skills, enhances productivity, and fosters a positive work environment. Identify areas where additional training is needed, whether it’s customer service, culinary techniques, or leadership skills. By investing in your employees’ growth, you empower them to contribute their best to the success of your restaurant.


  • Adaptability


Remain flexible and adaptable as you implement your chosen management style. Monitor its effectiveness and be open to making adjustments as needed. Regularly evaluate the impact on employee morale, customer satisfaction, and overall business performance. Solicit feedback from your team and be willing to incorporate their suggestions for improvement. Adaptability ensures that your management style evolves with the changing needs of your business and industry.




Choosing the right restaurant management style is a critical decision that can shape the success of your business. By understanding different styles, assessing your restaurant’s needs, and implementing the ideal approach, you can create a harmonious work environment where employees thrive, customer satisfaction soars, and your business flourishes.


Keep in mind that effective management is an ongoing process that involves continuous assessment and improvement. To achieve long-term success, stay up to date with your team’s requirements and the constantly changing environment of the restaurant business.




What are the three primary leadership styles in restaurant management?

The three fundamental leadership styles in restaurant management are autocratic, democratic, and laissez-faire. Authoritarian leaders make decisions unilaterally, focusing on efficiency and strict control, which can be effective in high-pressure environments but may limit team creativity. Democratic leaders involve their teams in decision-making, fostering a collaborative atmosphere that can boost morale and innovation but may slow down processes. Laissez-faire leaders offer minimal supervision, allowing employees to take the reins and make their own decisions, which can inspire independence and accountability but might lead to a lack of direction. Each style has its strengths and weaknesses, and thriving restaurant managers often adapt their approach based on the situation and their team’s needs.


What are the different management styles in food service?

Food service management styles include transactional, transformational, and situational approaches. Transactional managers focus on structured tasks, clear objectives, and performance-based rewards, ensuring consistency and efficiency. Transformational managers inspire and motivate their teams through a shared vision, fostering innovation and personal development, enhancing team cohesion and driving excellence. Situational managers adapt their style to the needs of their team and the specific challenges they face, providing flexibility and responsiveness to dynamic environments. Balancing these styles helps managers address various operational demands and employee expectations, creating a productive and positive workplace.


What is the management structure of a restaurant?

A restaurant’s management structure typically comprises a general manager, assistant managers, and specialised roles. The General Manager (GM) oversees overall operations, including financial performance, staffing, and customer satisfaction. Assistant Managers handle day-to-day operations, such as managing shifts, inventory, and employee relations, ensuring smooth functioning during each service period. Specialised roles like Executive Chefs focus on kitchen management, menu planning, and food quality, while Front-of-House Managers handle customer service, reservations, and dining room operations. This hierarchical structure ensures efficient workflow, clear communication, and effective management of the restaurant’s culinary and service aspects.


How many types of restaurant managers are there?

Restaurant managers can be categorised into several types, each focusing on specific aspects of the operation. General Managers oversee the entire establishment, balancing both front and back-of-house operations. Kitchen Managers or Executive Chefs concentrate on culinary aspects, managing kitchen staff, menu creation, and food safety. Front-of-house managers ensure excellent customer service, manage dining room staff, and handle guest relations. Bar Managers specialise in overseeing the bar area, managing bartenders, and ensuring compliance with liquor laws. Additionally, Assistant Managers support various roles and can step in wherever needed. This diversity in managerial roles helps ensure that all facets of the restaurant run smoothly and efficiently.

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